Join Me & LC911 on the Richard C. Hoagland Radio Program “The Other Side of Midnight”
Major Radio Show - Sunday January 2, Midnight Eastern Time
You never know what I’m going to be saying next now that I’m UNLEASHED! So come and catch it live with Richard C. Hoagland who dares to have me on his The Other Side of Midnight show! The Lawyer’s Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, on whose board I now sit, will be revealing some recent 9/11 legal victories, including a six-year FOIA legal battle against NIST and FEMA for access to the data used in preparing FEMA’s Building Performance Study on the collapses of the WTC high-rises on 9/11.
I will be joined by Attorney and Executive and Litigation Director Mick Harrison; and other LC911 board members Barbara Honegger and Kristina Borjesson, who will also review other major 2021 legal actions and pending cases including LC911’s historic WTC Grand Jury Petition mandamus appeal scheduled for in-Court Oral Arguments on Jan. 21st in the Federal Appeals Court for the Southern District of New York.
But don’t worry…. you don’t have to be an attorney to understand this stuff. We will bring it alive for you! And we will also have plenty of opportunity in this Global Livestream live Radio broadcast to discuss our new film series 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom which will enliven the 60 exhibits of the WTC explosive evidence in the Grand Jury Investigation Petition and present them directly to the Grand Jury. Yes, I will be educating this audience on all the main points of evidence because we’ve got quality time on this radio program!
So…. don’t miss this show:
The Program can also be heard by phone at (641) 741-0850.
We've been told we live in an age of the "New Normal", right? I hope THIS "New Normal" means, we as individuals and as nations, are held accountable, and take responsibility for our actions, our mistakes and our crimes. When we humans continue to play dirty tricks like false flag ops, we have no chance to survive the next century, not to speak of the billions of years the sun will hopefully shine. Remember the "Fermi Paradox" : They, the aliens, are possibly NOT here, because they, like us (?), were not able to survive their own technological megalomania: no StarTreckish travel in intergalactic space, but insignificant extinction!
Give the 9/11 truthers the chance and the funds to uncover one of the ugliest crimes of the past, committed by criminals of utmost arrogance and inhumanity. Now the whole world is watching America (and its allies!) how it (they) handle(s) 9/11 (and of course the fake Corona-Plandemic!). Forget Olympic Games and World Cups and follow what is much, m u c h more important: committed Architects and Engineers and a Lawyers' Committee and an Unleashed Richard Gage and his formidable team!
Greetings from Germany
Happy New Year, ya’ll. Especially #CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers) who are Insomniacs, Night Owls, or 3rd shift workers will welcome this opportunity. Thanks, as ever, for leading in #WeThePeople’s principled and strictly nonviolent #RevolutionOfAwareness (ref.