IC911 & UK Column: Symposium on "Genocide And Empire"
9/11-aware Academics Expose Many False Flags Along with Israeli War Crimes
The UK Column recently hosted a powerful symposium “Genocide and Empire: Examining October 7th and the Geopolitics of the War on Palestine.”
I found it deeply informative, even spell-binding. The truth about 9/11 is also covered as well and I learned some new important pieces too. Each of the speakers presented masterfully and I gathered much more information for my forth-coming article, “Gaza - The Astounding Parallels with 9/11; PART 1: A Territory or Country is Targeted for Previously Established Geo-Strategic Goals.” It totals over three hours but you can break it down and watch speaker by speaker:
Five very knowledgeable speakers joined IC911 Research Director Piers Robinson to discuss the geopolitical motivations behind the unfolding genocide in Gaza and the possibility that Israel allowed the October 7th attacks to happen in order to create a pretext for its ongoing military campaign.
Thank you Richard, yes parallels with 911 is an excellent way to describe your analysis, so very appropriate considering the countless Israeli fingerprints on the events of 11 September.
Both events happened because the Tel Aviv government has controlled the US government for many years. By deception they wage war.
At the very least Israel allowed the October 7th attacks to happen. But I think it is highly likely that most or all of the “Hamas” attack was actually a false flag attack done by Israeli forces disguised as Hamas and/or Hamas forces under the direct control of Israel.