Gages represent 9/11 Truth Movement in Salem, OR at Re-awaken America Conference
5,000 Conservatives Pack Event, Get Red-pilled from Covid to Elections to 9/11
Richard and I hauled our fold-up A-Frame camp trailer the 7-hour drive to Salem, the capital of Oregon, for this tabling-engagement opportunity, because we love sharing the powerful 9/11 truth at our WTC evidence booth with our brochures, books, and DVD’s.
Richard goes and goes - all day - even after he loses his voice. There might just be one more open-minded individual eager to learn something new - like this Oregonian gentlemen who was unaware that there was a third tower that collapsed on 9/11. Richard prefers the “Good for America” brochure that he developed over at AE911Truth for conservative patriotic events like this one, and he will place a brochure into every hand that walks by the booth! That’s how he snagged this Trump-loving newcomer to 9/11 at the evidence booth. If you’ve ever seen him in action you know exactly what I mean.
Richard usually asks initially, “Did you know that a 3rd Tower fell on 9/11?”
We were so surprised to learn that most of the people we spoke with at our table had already been red-pilled about 9/11 truth early on in their re-awakening process, more than 90%! Perhaps the Great Awakening occurring with the Plandemic and mandated experimental genetic therapy has, in the last 2 years, also caused people to re-think 9/11 on a much wider scale?
Many folks already knew about Richard’s work building up the 3,500 of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and didn’t know that Richard is not with the organization anymore. I’ve noticed that in many cases, he’s had to shorten the story to “I outgrew AE911Truth.” And I can assure you, witnessing his exponential growth in the last six months, that he has indeed outgrown not only the narrow constraints of his former mission, but the organization built around it, and the colleagues that he left behind.
Twice as many people showed up than were anticipated so they had to move the event to a new venue - with no time to spare. The excitement in the big tent was palpable, and each speaker seemed to add more value, context, and confidence about waking up our country than the last.
The speakers at the Re-Awaken America tour have ranged from from General Michael Flynn, Eric Trump, Roger Stone, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, RFK Jr., David Martin, and Ann Vandersteel, to James Patrick filmmaker of Planet Lockdown. We were particularly impressed with General Flynn who really spoke from the heart.
Several people recognized Richard and he honored the requests for spontaneous interview requests and photo ops. We also were quite fortunate to hang out with great friends like Scott Armstrong of Rebunked who helped us get connected with other event producers and podcasters, John Richardson of RNC whose father helped to cure thousands of cancer using Laetrile, and James Patrick filmmaker of Planet Lockdown which lays waste to the official Covid narrative.