Filming Success on Location in Wash DC - 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom - Phase 2 of 2 Completed!
3 Days of Powerful Twin Towers Evidence and Brilliant Legal Finesse Mark the C2C Film Set; DC Dream Team Crew Hits it out of the Park Again!
“ACTION!” cried out our very creative Italian Director Michele Lastella — indicating to Mick and me “it’s all yours now”. He knows right when to say that too — after the cameras, lighting, sound, and teleprompter are all just right and Mick and I are in the right head space and ready to rock. And then Gail claps the electronically synchronized atomic clock slate:
He flew from his home near Florence, Italy, all the way across the Atlantic to meet us in Washington DC, sacrificing a paid acting role in order to help our 9/11 film project because as he explains about the film choices in his career,
“I’ve made many different ones — international ones — but this one has my heart in it because we’re talking about truth. So I’m dedicating my next projects 99% to this kind of content and working with you — the pioneer in the 9/11 Truth Movement…”.
Our two days of filming in the upscale virtual grand jury conference room venue was donated to us at no cost by a colleague of Mick’s — a 9/11 Truth Supporter!
We send a huge “thank you!” to our wonderful, generous, and responsive donors who are alert to the need of the hour — for bringing Michele to us, and for bringing us back to Washington DC to work with the top film crew in this marvelous city — the perfect backdrop for our recent and future 9/11 legal actions, as will be demonstrated in the film by Mick Harrison for our virtual, and real, Grand Jury.
Attorney Mick Harrison, Litigation Director for the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry (our C2C film partner) is featured along with myself in this evidence-based docu-film-series about the World Trade Center evidence — and getting it into the courts. You’ll see him laying out for the Grand Jury all the very specific legal issues for their investigation — based on his extraordinary understanding and unique expression of the very interesting legal issues surrounding the points of WTC Twin Towers evidence that we presented over the course of those two days.
His decades of experience addressing juries in public interest & whistleblower cases really shows up in the film. I was deeply impressed sitting right next to him as I imagined myself a grand juror sitting at that table listening — as you will be when you are finally able to watch the individual episodes. (The episodes are based on about 30 major points of evidence in the film series.)
Mick clues us in with his opening remarks in the film:
"It may sound surprising, even amazing, but the 9/11 crime scene evidence that you will see and hear presented in this docu-film series has never been presented to a grand jury by the government. They have never conducted any meaningful investigation of these 9/11 bombing crimes that are at the heart of the 'Crime of the Century’. Shockingly, the real perpetrators have never been prosecuted and remain at large.”
I actually squirmed in my seat, imagining myself as juror, because Mick demonstrates so clearly how this evidence is “dispositive” (essentially irrefutable) and how therefore they should treat it in reference to the quite questionable evidence provided in the official narrative of the World Trade Center “collapses” by NIST. Mick provides specific suggestions and advice to the Grand Jurors in obtaining additional critical information via witnesses that can be subpoenaed.
And he actually does much of their job for them — and certainly the job of the US attorney in the Southern District of New York who has, shamefully and illegally, abandoned his duty. He also does the job for the Federal judge who will be receiving this evidence as well as this C2C film series, and in whom we hope will act in accordance with his sworn oath of office.
I was able to present during those two days the most professionally delivered and filmed five-hour set of solid Twin Towers evidence that I’ve ever given. It was assembled over the last 18 years and we packed-in everything that we needed in order to pull the rug completely out from underneath the fraudulent government narratives provided by NIST.
Our 2 dozen experts will also be backing us up and enhancing the basic points proving the explosive demolition of not only the Twin Towers on 9/11 but the third skyscraper to collapse that day at the WTC — Building 7.
Now our film team is ready to assemble the hundreds of individual pieces of this film series into a creative and consolidated whole in our post-production phase that our editor, Stev in Australia will be heading up. We anticipate the roll-out of our first episode in September.
The 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom docu-film-series will certainly be the most comprehensive body of WTC evidence ever assembled. It will also be quite easily understandable — and sharable, given its bite-size and digestible 5 to 20 minutes component pieces.
9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom will address a combination of deep needs in the 9/11 Truth Movement
It gets the WTC evidence into the courts! It brings to life the 60 exhibits already packaged and delivered to the US Attorney for a Grand Jury investigation. The film series will not only be delivered as a supplement to the original petition, in a legally appropriate usable format, but will be also be submitted to a federal judge for the initiation of another grand jury investigation.
It provides the best set of educational info-tools yet to share with and awaken people — based on specific needs for points of evidence such as the explosiveness of the towers’ destruction — or the extreme heat in their aftermath— completely unaccountable in the official narrative — or the answer to that source of heat in the form of thermite and nano-thermite found in all the WTC Dust samples.
Please co-produce with us! We are officially in “post-production” of the docu-film series. And your donation of $500 or more earns a place for your name in the film credits as “Co-producer”!
We send a huge thanks to our dream team film crew who worked hard with us those three days: to Gary, our Director of Photography and his assistant cameraman Joshua, to our lighting/grip specialist Josh, and to Dwayne our on-location sound expert — all of whom returned from our November filming of the WTC 7 content last year.
Richard, not sure if you check these comments, however consider this. Mike Maloney, of and via his YouTube channel GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney), does great video work educating on the economy, gold and silver. On his YouTube channel his recent video “Will A.I. Enlighten and Guide Or Confuse and Divide?” beginning at about time 1 minute he shares how ChatGPT was answering for his friend questions posted to it concerning the WTC 7 Collapse Controversy. Be aware that in the future, not only will we be continuing to deal with human debunkers, but an AI that seems to avoid the truth and give answers dancing around a serious question. Maybe in your future video interviews you may wish to have someone as a guest knowledgeable of AI and to discuss our AI future in relationship to truth telling. Could be a fun interview.
So Giuliani and Bush had the buildings blasted to hide the fact that the CIA had warned them months before of an imminent attack?