Erik Lawyer - Founder "Firefighters for 9/11 Truth" & "Protecting All Protectors Alliance"
PAPA Educates 500 Fire Protection Professionals in Boston
My esteemed guest on RichardGage911:UNLEASHED! today is Erik Lawyer, a veteran Seattle firefighter who we, in the 9/11 Truth Movement, know best as the founder of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth! Their mission? “to honor the 343 fallen brothers and all who have lost their lives due to the 9/11 attacks, ongoing 9/11 conflicts, and the consequential 9/11 illnesses.”
Having served with his fellow firefighters at the World Trade center in the weeks following the destruction, those events continue to this day to deeply inspire his actions and the healing within himself. For over 14 years he has been committed to bringing more awareness to the truth about 9/11 and to what’s really needed to make the changes necessary so that events like 9/11 never happen again.
Back in 2009 – Erik & I created the historic dual presentation documentary “Firefighters, Architects, Engineers – Expose 9/11 Myths”, which we presented around the country. People were captivated by the power and intensity of Erik’s detailed presentation demonstrating the failings and fraud of the NIST investigation.
Erik took a very important personal hiatus from the 9/11 Truth Movement for many years.
Erik learned that he was at war inside himself, and that it was easier to blame the Shadow Government than to do his inner work to understand his own shadow.
In that time, he has learned that the way to a more unified and loving world is by, first, healing his own Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Through his 10-year journey, he has learned that healing, together with others, has been the most effective and rewarding – and that this is what humanity is in greatest need of.
In recent months it became clear to Erik that a “protection alliance” was needed for the 9/11 & other whistle-blowers from the fire service and beyond. PAPA was born: “Protecting All Protectors Alliance”
Erik is now on a mission to help bring more awareness and understanding to the root cause of conflict, corruption and war. He says, “Own your own Shadow, or somebody else will!”
This is the awareness that he brings to the new Alliance, which I am proud to be a part of.
Protecting All Protectors was funded by Boston 9/11 Truth earlier this month to present at the National Fire Protection Association convention in Boston. Erik invited myself and the recently-awakened Captain Raul Angulo, 38 year veteran of the Seattle Fire Department, and author of the book on fighting fires in structures to bring the disconcerting news of the collapse of 47-story WTC Building 7 to hundreds of leaders in the fire protection community so that they will, finally, reconcile this unprecedented collapse-by-fire of a steel-framed fire-protected high-rise with their current firefighting procedures which includes entering such fire-involved burning buildings. Let’s ask Erik how that went!
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Yes, So much related to my own history and fore planned 9/11/01 catastrophes.
Coming home today on subway from Ground Zero, ( OMNY subway fare for some unfortunates —- using my experience of cataract surgery at Omni eye care) I was timing ads in subways ——
Images presented to public about 15 seconds long —- WTC Twin Towers, WTC Building 7 fell in less than 7 seconds.
My recovery Group at Ground Zero it is traumatic for me to see wasted waters in” reflecting pools “ where Twin Towers were—- for me stolen properties of mine in 1960’s both had swimming pools ——
And traumatic to see names of highly respected government agencies affected by controlled demolitions —-public looking with shock and awe —— almost hypnotized ——
What can I do ——
And around New York City, similar to after 9/11/01 I asked workers of “ Controlled Demolitions Inc “, how they felt doing clean up work knowing 911 was a controlled demolition.
All kinds of responses .
I came into my first recovery program in a state of trauma —— no memory of my past—- no understanding of history of USA.
The worst part of my life was when learning to trust in program , and coup that began 9/11/01 and created traumas towards me.
I grew spiritually by questioning their dysfunctions ( money, ego related ), and basically knew 9/11/01 was created by them .
These religious groups promoted their selves by lighting candles .
I knew from my experiences with them “ war with Iraq would increase their church attendance “, sermons on oil, and other actions similar that 9/11/01 was their creation .
My friend ( today with memory loss) introduced me to Les Jameson .
We met at Presbyterian Church on 86 and Amsterdam avenue ( a landmark —- yet might be demolished for another high rise condominium—/ as have been hospitals and other worthy properties) ;
I witnessed the superintendent of Twin Towrers , Wally Rodriquez with his attorney because he witnessed explosions going off in Basement of Towers before planes hit towers .
He traveled world wide sharing his experiences.
For me, I was given a blue book and brought communications on 9/11/01 to many UN missions , all aware of USA dangerous military complex ——
Just increased again , June 2022—
Larger than military complexes of 11 countries military complexes combined .
We have no choice but to overcome .
Your outreaches most inspiring and precious to me. With much gratitude for you——
Fern Tess Tishman