Christmas DVD Special: 50%-Off at the RG911 Superstore!
Get incredible savings on the three most wanted 9/11 Truth DVDs: "9/11: Explosive Evidence Experts Speak Out", "9/11: Blueprint for Truth", and "The San Francisco Press Conference"
That’s right — all the way through Christmas — December 25. But don’t wait, we might sell out on these popular DVDs. Simply use the Discount Code “50%OFF“ at our RichardGage911 Store when you checkout, and you’ll receive half-off these three DVDs! Richard and I have decided that these DVDs need to get into as many hands as possible this season — and not just for those of you who already know the dark truth and are well versed about 9/11, but for those who have never questioned the official narrative and have never seen the solid proof of the explosive destruction of the 3 WTC Skyscrapers on 9/11.
The efficient “no-fuss/no-arguments” way to educate your family, friends, co-workers, and everyone else you know, is to give them at least one of these truth-packed videos.
Meet some of the “Big Boys” in our large selection of 9/11 truth videos. I believe these will be considered “classics” to the entire world — films that tell the story of humanity’s courageous battle against the deepest, darkest parts of itself. The relentless battle that seemed to go on forever, with no sign of justice or truth in sight. Yet, over time, the truth, the light, and justice prevailed!
That is obviously the ending that we all want to see, and the powerful message in these DVDs will help wake humanity up considerably! So, we’re making it easier on your wallet to purchase these three classics with our new 50% off RG911 Superstore sale.
9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out
This is the powerful documentary the Richard made while at the helm of AE911Truth. Watch and hear the experts in high-rise architecture, structural engineering, metallurgy, chemistry, physics, explosives, and controlled demolition share with you their compelling and convincing professional expertise and insight about the explosive events at the WTC on 9/11. It’s not “conspiracy theory” it’s forensic evidence. But it is also and very importantly psychology. Pay close attention to eight more experts in the workings of the human mind give their moving insight as they make clear why this solid research can be very difficult for many people to deal with.
You owe it to yourself to open your mind, your eyes and your ears and take in this new information. Show it to every friend, relative, associate that you know, and every architect, engineer, media representative, and government official that you can find.
The cased version is on sale and includes a 2-hour Bonus Disk “Meet the Experts” which hosts extended interviews of the 43 Experts from the groundbreaking documentary. Watch and listen to the experts introduce their significant credentials and personal experiences about 9/11 – including William Brinnier who actually saw one of the planes hit one of the towers. Get inside the experts and find out what makes them tick as you hear the fascinating evidentiary details and insights that we couldn’t fit into the main DVD.
9/11: Blueprint for Truth
This is the highly praised and widely disseminated classic multimedia presentation by San Francisco Bay Area architect Richard Gage, AIA. Professionally recorded before a live audience, it clearly covers much of the overwhelming evidence of explosive controlled demolition of the three WTC high-rise buildings on September 11, 2001.
This edition updates preceding editions with additional graphics, video, forensic evidence, and examination of sudden onset of destruction, symmetrical collapse and progression, squibs, explosions, demolition waves, near free-fall acceleration, total dismemberment, lateral ejection of steel, adjacent structures, sounds, flashes, explosions, pyroclastic-like clouds, iron spheres, molten metal, thermite, ASCE, FEMA and NIST reports, whistle blowers, destruction of evidence, expert corroboration, and foreknowledge.
The San Francisco Press Conference
Watch the Architects & Engineers for 9/11Truth led by Richard Gage, AIA, along with many of his distinguished speakers at this historic AE911Truth Press Conference on February 19, 2010, announce the critical milestone achievement of 1,000 architect and engineering professional petition signers – all demanding a real investigation into the explosive demolition of the 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11/01. Includes a riveting multi-media examination of the most recent scientific forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony.
Also included is the Speakers Luncheon Event where you will hear from the AE911Truth petition signers themselves about the specific evidence which awakened them and what they are now doing about it.
We’d love to hear your feedback on these incredible videos, and hear testimonies of how they changed your life, or someone you know who was awakened to 9/11 truth because of the content in them. We’d also love to hear your suggestions for other videos or products in our RG911 Superstore that you would like us to include in our 50% off sale.
Don’t forget to use the Discount Code “50%OFF“ at our RichardGage911 Store when you checkout.
Thank you for helping our important work of RichardGage911 with your purchase - and educate everybody around you at the same time! And at a huge discount!!
The truth will out. ~ Shakespeare