Big News... Chinese Foreign Minister Tweets "9/11 Inside Job” meme
"Spokesman & DDG, Information Department, Foreign Ministry of China"
It was just brought to our attention that Lijian Zhao, the spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, has tweeted a carefully crafted meme concluding that 9/11 was an “Inside Job”. This tweet makes an unusual and incredible bold statement about China’s position on 9/11 - implying that American was behind the 9/11 attacks:
Click on image above to see the original post on Twitter.
This may be very good news for the 9/11 Truth Movement, since China is acknowledging that 9/11 was an “inside job” for the first time that we are aware of. They join other countries such as Iran (Ahmadinejad), Cuba (Fidel), and Venezuela (Chavez) which have openly questioned the US 9/11 official story. The more countries who openly doubt the official narrative, the more the collective awareness is raised. It also brings 9/11 truth back into the spotlight and pressures the US Government.
However…as one of our supporters Ansgar Schneider asks:
“I wonder what kind of message they want to convey to the world?”
“Do they want to pursue this any further with serious science/intelligence?”
“Is this the modern form of sabre rattling?”
“What kind of reaction do they expect?”
These are important questions that all of us in the 9/11 Truth Movement should be asking. Only time will tell what China’s motivation is in tweeting this meme, but we can use the moment as an opportunity to educate on social media, carefully, hopefully without stepping into the increasingly complex US-China relationship.
It was China that hauled away the remains of the towers to recycle.
What did they find in those piles of girders and re-bar?
It's possible they KNOW something and not just hinting.
China is a proxy for Israel. Rothschilds funded Mao and still fund the CCP. Communism is Talmudism. Plain and simple. Those were Dancing Israelis not Chinese nor Islamists. Break the taboo and name the Jew!