Announcing...the 9/11 Truth Film Festival... Sunday September 11
You won't want to miss this one!
Hello friends of 9/11 Truth,
You really can't miss this one!
This year RichardGage911 and No Lies Radio are co-producing the 9/11 Truth Film Festival LIVESTREAMED on September 11, 2022.
We will be focusing on some very important people. Find out who...
In addition, at the Film Festival, you will…
Experience a great introduction to the 9/11 works of David Ray Griffin which will be highlighted in a live appearance by his closest associate writer/editor Elizabeth Woodworth – who with him co-created the “9/11 Consensus Panel” where you will get the inside scoop on how it all came together. We will be showing very special video clips from the films of David Ray Griffin.
Strike gold with James Corbett of the Corbett Report with the showing of his newly released final episode of his 3-part documentary series “False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda." He will also be here live to tell us more about the Deep State lies regarding Osama Bin Laden. Several other important videos will be shown about the Osama Bin Ladin character in the 9/11 play.
Get the latest from Mick Harrison, Litigation Director of the Lawyer’s Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, who is also here live to update the 9/11 Truth Movement about recent legal successes and challenges in the judicial system.
See our working-session updates from the new film project 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom for which this entire Film Festival is the major fundraiser!
Learn all about the 9/11 Truth Film Festival on September 11:
Ready to hold your place for the LIVESTREAM event?!
We look forward to seeing you in our Rumble LIVESTREAM Theater!
Richard & Gail
The truth finds a way. We have a government that has a history of mass murder. Endless wars, false flags, spraying Geo-Engineered weaponized weather toxins.