Ann Vandersteel Offers Deep Dive #7: "The Parallels of 9/11 & Covid" w/RG911
The Zelenko Report Broadcasts Kevin Ryan's "Parallels"
Welcome to our series of deep dives into the "Parallels of 9/11 & Covid" originally developed by 9/11 Researcher Kevin Ryan.
In this intriguing episode, we expand on "Parallel #7 - "A Response Far More Harmful than the Original Problem” which is always the case with engineered Problem-Reaction-Solution false flag operations like these: Two million killed in the Middle East, the Patriot Act decimating our civil liberties, and a $6.5T global war on Terror placing our grandchildren in debt.
We then shift over to the Covid “solution” nightmare scenario and document evidence of an unsafe and ineffective “vaccine” even as admitted by officials whom we quote. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) website acknowledging 33,000 deaths by vaccine - an under reported number (by a factor of 10 to 100 according to the 2010 CDC funded Lazarus report), and also 2,300,000 injuries, numbers which the public if they became aware would be in arms about.
We look into Parallel #8 - No Real Investigation of the original event(s) - typical also in engineered Psy-Ops like these. Phillip Zelikow, whose PhD was in the “Creation of Public Myth” was placed in charge of writing the deeply corrupted 9/11 Commission Report, then slated to run the Covid Commission hearing - believe it or not.
Watch, and weep for your future - or be motivated to change it.
Next week in Deep Dive #8 we complete the fascinating 8-part series with Parallel #12 "Implementation of Draconian Policies & Surveillance", and then its #13 "Predictive Programing," the dramatic conclusion of these Parallels which exposes the dark truth behind these fantastic lies and the purveyors of them.
Thank you Ann (Graciousness) and Richard (Strong in Rule), you both deserve your etymological names.
Yes, the 9/11 Conspiracy and the Covid1984 Conspiracy are ACTUAL FACTS that few want to face, but increasingly, the suffering they have caused and continue to cause, is forcing those who refuse to learn the Lesson of Loss to finally learn it and thus become responsible for their freedom and help others do the same.
When enough learn the Lesson of Loss which is Care, the only Cure, Humanity will awaken from its Nightmare of History to take the N.A.P. (Non-Aggression Principle) and then as Antony Sutton knew:
“The power system continues only as long as individuals try to get something for nothing. The day when a majority of individuals declares it wants nothing from the government, that it will look after its own welfare and interests, then on that day the power elites are doomed."
More succinctly: No one rules if no one obeys.
And further and deeper, the Lesson of Loss must be traced back to its source which Lloyd deMause has so laceratingly located in parenting along with Euripides:
“The gods visit the sins of the Fathers upon the Children” Euripides
“The history of childhood is a nightmare from which we have only recently begun to awaken. The ultimate cause of all wars and human misery is the parental holocaust of children throughout history. The crucial task of future generations will be to raise loved children who grow up to be peaceful, rather than walking time bombs. Self-mastery must replace the mastery of others. Global suicide must not continue to be our goal.” The Origins of War in Child Abuse, Lloyd DeMause
Which is why I teach Parent Effectiveness Training that fosters responsibly free children who grow up into peaceful, everything voluntary adults capable of raising peaceful children because they are at peace with themselves.
And Spinoza sums the Philosophy of Responsible Freedom:
“The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding, because to understand is to be free.” Spinoza
Stay safe and free and help keeping those who need it most, to understand the Nightmare of History, so they can finally awaken from it.
.....Richard, want to say that I'm EXTREMELY grateful for notifications of your VERY valuable work - but, for reasons STILL yet to be made clear, HAVEN'T been for a WEEK now (Substack HAS acknowledged SOME sort of related problem; not sure if it's a form of sabotage, or what) - PLEASE investigate, as there appears to be NO way for ME to directly communicate with them.....thanks; it's again, MUCH appreciated!