9/11 Deep Dive #6: "Parallels of 9/11 & Covid" Hosted by Ann Vandersteel
The Zelenko Report Broadcasts 9/11 Truth to Huge Audience
“Welcome to our series of deep dives into 9/11. In this episode Mr. Gage reveals the startling similarities between the elements of two completely different false flag events - weaving back and forth between the planned & controlled events of 9/11 and Covid.
Why are there so many similarities between the 9/11 & Covid events? 9/11 researcher Kevin Ryan discovered more than a dozen parallels:
#1a Foreknowledge
Why did NORAD practice 28 hijack exercise events within 2 years of 9/11 - and half of them ON 9/11?
Why was there a major drill for a biochemical attack with hundreds of FEMA, NYPD, NYFD, FBI, Military personnel already in NYC’s Pier 92 on Sept 11th?
How was it that the October 2019 Event 201 Tabletop Exercise funded by Bill Gates at Johns Hopkins anticipated a coronavirus nearly identical to the outbreak 3 months later.
How could Fauci claim, without knowing, that “There will be a surprise outbreak during the next administration.”
#1b Foreknowledge: “Insider Trading”
How could millions of dollars be made in Put Options that were placed before 9/11 betting that the value of the airliners, and financial institutions in the WTC, would plummet on 9/11?
Can you name the major conflicts of interest for the Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation, the CDC, and the WHO?
#2 False Official Accounts
In parts 2, 3, 4, & 5 of this Deep Dive series we dispelled the myths of “19 Fundamentalist hijackers”, “planes & jet fuel bringing down the Twin Towers”, and “Fire causing the collapse of WTC 7.
Did the Corona Virus migrate from Bats to Humans? The former Chairman of the Lancet Covid-19 Commission on the Covid Origins, Jeffrey D. Sachs, blew the whistle on this scam.
What’s the problem with these official Covid narratives?
“A million Americans have died”
“Masks prevent transmission”
“Lockdowns save lives” and “Flatten the Curve”
“Vaccines prevent transmission”
“Vaccines provide better immunity than natural immunity”
“Vaccines are safe & effective”
#3 An Elusive Powerful Enemy
Hidden terrorists after 9/11:
Throughout the US can could do massive damage with “weapons of mass destruction”
Osama Bin Laden “at large” for a decade eluding the most technologically advanced military intelligence in the world
Deadly lethal anthrax hidden in “letter attacks” of September 16, 2001 - via US Mail by “Muslim Terrorists”
The virus: after the outbreak:
Can’t be seen
Can get you from any person or surface you touch
Can multiply inside of you and kill you
Elusive, powerful, unpredictable
#4 Creating a Climate of Fear & Division Following 9/11:
Fear-based media propaganda about Muslim terrorism 24-7 following 9/11
Threat-level color-coded indicators – inducing fear
New fanatical Muslim terror threats - with terror cells in every major US city
They can strike at anytime, anywhere
Manufactured “Terror” events instigated or provoked by FBI informants
Covid propaganda system-wide and over-the-top:
Alarmist predictions of mass-death
Media propaganda about over-crowded hospitals, crisis of not enough respirators, and even mass graves
Covid cases & death numbers grossly exaggerated - exponentially
“A pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
Asymptomatic persons can become “super-spreaders
Our own family members could kill us without knowing it
You could kill Grandma
#5 Extreme Control of Information by Gov’t, Agencies & Int’l Corp’s
9/11 put DHS, CIA & FBI in positions of filtering all data to media
NIST’s use of fudged computer models for building reports – in place of physical evidence from the buildings—without publicly accessible input data.
Intelligence agency contractors – data non-discoverable via Freedom of Information Act requests
Financial corporations – Paul Bremmer of Canter Fitzgerald with the first press statement fingering Osama Bin Laden
Cheney & Bush controlled testimony to the 9/11 Commission with no Oath and no notes
Covid controlled propaganda by CDC, WHO, NIAID, Pfizer, Gates, Fauci
Bill Gates grants international media $319M! (advertising?)
White House National Security Council placed in control of the October 2019 Event 201 drill
Gates Foundation funds the “Fact Checkers”
Neil Ferguson’s computer modeling catastrophic projections proved wrong but not before manipulating international gov’t policies on non-pharmaceutical measures
#6 Abuse of Science
NIST 9/11 Reports ignore:
Overwhelming & irrefutable evidence of explosive demolition
Seismic evidence of explosions
Hundreds of eyewitnesses of explosions
Extreme temperatures of molten iron unaccountable in the official story
Evidence of billions of molten iron microspheres
Evidence of 4 tons of red-gray chips of nano-thermite found in the WTC dust
Covid Scientists Ignore:
Natural immunity of the body – and of the population
2-year safety-efficacy studies not completed, though promised (20,000 placebo recipients in Pfizer trial were actually vaccinated March 2021)
Manipulation of disease statistics and death certificates by statisticians:
• “Covid deaths” = any death accompanied with a positive test result” per Illinois State - Dept of Health Director - Dr. Ngozi Ezike
Ignore key concepts in the rate of false positives when testing asymptomatic people
PCR Tests “not to be used for diagnosing disease” per the inventor of the test, Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize winner
Cheap effective Covid medical treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, previously approved by the CDC, etc. were banned, even though studies show more effectiveness than all other drugs
#7 A Response Far More Harmful Than the Original Problem
Following 9/11:
2 million Muslims killed in the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq; more in Syria and Libya
7,000 US soldiers died in combat, with 30,200 taking their own lives since 9/11
6.5T global war on terror
Massive drain on the US Treasury/Debt
Following Covid Outbreak:
Masks have proven to be unhealthy
Lockdowns cause personal & economic destruction
Tens of millions of people put out of work
Staggering cost of Unemployment insurance
Destruction of economy
We begin next week with Parallel #8 - No Real Investigation; and then Control of Information and a Shifting Narrative by Top Agencies and NGO’s; Media Censorship of & Attacks on Critical Questioning; Implementation of Draconian policies and surveillance; and Predictive Programming.
I enjoy the chemistry between Richard and Ann as well as his world class presentation. Just like we see with the hype, the manipulation of facts and the overall con job produced by the Covid spin masters, you cannot walk away unconvinced that 9/11 was a set up for disaster that lead to wars, destruction and decay of human freedoms. In all honesty it’s hard to understand why so many people fall for it over and over. I guess propaganda and sensationalism feeds the fear which still has a grip on them. But something has got to give.
It's another 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' lie ... the truth is coming out!
The Military ... and the CIA
Sasha Latypova has done a wonderful investigation ... and has exposed them ... the so-called 'vaccines' are legally bioweapons ... developed by the US Military ... and licensed to big pharma to manufacture ... well before the manufactured 'plandemic'
"The crime is very clear"
Intent to Harm - Sasha Latypova https://www.bitchute.com/video/BVL8rfQjNHDX/
Now, Dr Robert Malone explains their 'excuse' ... that the risk of biological attack was so great, that extreme measures ... were justified ... they just had to get their 'defensive bioweapon' into the arms of everybody ... quickly ... which, to some, may explain why Fauci, the FDA, the CDC, DOD etc have been lying/destroying vax adverse event reports etc ... I don't buy a word of it ... but it does explain why countries have gone along with this deadly deception/censorship/suppression ... and anything other than the 'official narrative' is being suppressed ... even though the body count is growing astronomically ... idiot leaders and intelligence heads Worldwide, must be quietly starting to panic ...
"This is a CIA program ... pushed into the marketplace"
"Bio-defense Industrial Complex/Intelligence community pushing their agenda through Government"
"Circumventing normal procedures and rules"
"We have all been fooled"
It's extremely clever ... but it's so very evil people .... can kill you!
The Big Excuse - https://rumble.com/v1qeo55-mrna-vaccines-the-cia-and-national-defense-this-isnt-going-to-end-well..html
(George W Bush knows very well that 'Weapons of Mass Destruction" in Iraq and '9/11 was carried out by Bin Laden' are Israeli/CIA lies ... this time it's a manufactured 'Pandemic' lie being sold to the World)
(Now things fall into place ... Trump won't denounce the 'vaccines'/'Operation Warpspeed' because he still believes the lie that all this has been done for 'National Security')
(It was always suspicious Iran was hit with Covid 19 so quickly ... was the 'intelligence lie' that China or Iran was manufacturing biological weapons for an imminent attack ... and the corrupt CIA ... as usual, bought the lie? ... and was itself tricked into initiating this 'plandemic' 'counter-measure' bioweapon attack on the World ... just as they were duped by the 'WMD' lie into being party to 9/11)
So the 'plandemic' was a ruse .... to inoculate the World against biological attack ... but the 'plandemic' itself .... is the real biological attack on the World!
That's my take ...
So ... on the pretext of 'National Security' .... to 'protect' people from biological attack .... over 5 billion people have been lethally poisoned with a 'biological counter-measure' ... which actually is the biological attack ...
(There are a lot of people not 'reading the room' ... they are not joining the dots ... they are not critically thinking ... they think they are going to finally convince the FDA, the CDC etc. of the error of their ways ... the FDA, CDC etc. will apologize, pause the vaccine program 'pending further investigation' ... and everybody will shake hands and go home ... critical thinking says that is not going to happen ... and that we are in a fight for our lives)
(Here in NZ ... it would appear our Govt and Intelligence service have been deceived by another 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' lie ... and that the same deception has happened Worldwide ... unfortunately our ultra-woke, arrogant PM ... evil 'WEF twin' of Justin Trudeau ... will take us into the jaws of hell ... before she admits it)
A shocking analysis - https://plisskenboon.blogspot.com/